Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It's Time To Have A Come To Jesus Talk

Dear Friends,
I have been lately thinking about religion, now I know this is a very risky and touchy topic for a blog, and might get a little flak for it, But at this point flak never hurt or even fazed me a bit, I have my opinions and everybody has and is entitled to their own opinion, And anyone who tells you other wise is selling something.
Now about religion, I believe that there is a god and I believe he sent his son to die for not only my sins but he died for everyone's sins so we wouldn't have to die for our own, I know that he not only cares but he loves everyone no matter how messed up they are.
I believe that I can be forgiven for my mistakes and my misgivings, I believe in the atonement process and think that it is a marvelous gift.
The reason I bring this up is because I hear TOO MANY stories about people getting ridiculed for their religion, even I have been humiliated for being in the religion that I am in and once had strayed away from religion because of it...  I have come back realizing that was a mistake becoming inactive I now know so little because of that phase in my life . I believe if someone wants to have religion ( That is completely their CHOICE)... and has to be theirs, it's none of anyone's business nor is it anyone's place to say that someone is believing the wrong thing, and if they want to change their religion because they feel that they have found something better (So be it )  that is their choice not anyone else's.
So my friends if you feel that you are being persecuted for religion it's because the persecutors don't have the understanding that you have.
So everyone I'm Aimee I'm a singer, I'm a dancer, I'm a actress but most of all I'm A MORMON

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