Wednesday, February 11, 2015

valentine blues

There is a day that comes around once a year, a day that either has a whole bunch people jumping for joy or a whole bunch of people trying to hide and forget that the day even exists, that's right everybody I m talking about the oh so mushy Valentines day...
I personally use to be one of those people that would runaway and hide and thought why can't I be one of those people who are happy when valentines day comes around, I personally know how it sometimes even bites to the core to see your friends who are in relationships on this day, but let me tell you something that I have come to realize, after a few years after high school, I have come to find... if you let yourself feel lonely, you will stay lonely (in other words, go and do something about it) now I am not saying go find a relationship... I am saying that you are not the only single person around go find the other single people and hang out with them and talk to them, I also strongly believe that valentine's day is not only a day for couples but it can be for the people you love (like your mother and father or siblings and friends) you can express your love and appreciation for them. I hope my words settle some of the hard feelings that some have for valentines day and cheer up buttercup the man or woman will come around that corner whether your expecting it or not, even when your looking or not, just know when it is them and the right corner, I hope if anybody is reading this post that you don't think it's too corny.